

16.7. - 6.8 2016

We arrived in Calgary just in time for the Stampede Festival. Went to Drumheller
and the Dinosaur Provincial Park the places to see fossils from the Jurassic.
Than to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, an ancient hunting place of indigenous people.
After some days in Waterton National Park we moved over into British Columbia and
visited some Provincial Parks, National Parks and Natural Springs and returned via Highway 1
back to Calgary.

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The Largest T-Rex in the world

And the real Thing!

Formations in the Badlands

Buffalo at Waterton National Park

Our Camper

Payne Lake camp site

We saw large trucks in Australia – but this one in Sparwood was larger!

Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park

Takakkaw Falls - Yoho National Park

Paint Pots Kootenay National Park

No shower at Lockhart Creek Provincial Park – take a bath in Kootenay Lake

Frequent guests - Squirrels

Very Canadian: Campfire at Marple Canyon, Kootenay NP

Baking bread and some spare ribs

Highway 1 back to Calgary

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