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We flew via Madrid to Lima and after breakfast at the airport on to Cusco and a further hour on by car to Pisac, the entrance to the Sacred Valley. After two nights in Pisac where we visited the first Inca ruins we took a taxi to Ollantaytambo, visiting on the way the Salineras de Maras, old salt mines of the Incas. We enjoyed Ollantaytambo, one of the oldest villages in Peru and stayed in an many hundered years old hotel. On we went by train to Aqua Caliente where we bought the tickets to Machu Picchu. The ruins of Machu Picchu were an interresting experienc an a highlitht was the return to Ollantaytambo by train with cool live music. Than we spend two nights at Cusco, the former capital of the Incas. It was Good Friday so we got some insight into the local customs.
With a ten hour bus ride we moved to Lake Titicaca, visiting on the way the church at Andahuaylillas, the Temple of Wiracocha, stopped at the pass at La Raya (4338m) and the Pucara Museum.
After one night in Puno we did a cultural tour visiting first one of the Uros Island near near the Capachica peninsula and getting to know local live an sleeping on Amantani Island. The next day we visited Taquile Island and went via Puno to the village of Llachon on Capachica where we spent two days with hiking, bathing in Lake Titicaca and star gazing.
Finally we flew back to Lima for a day in the capital.